Declining Ore Grades: How to Boost Efficiency at Ageing Copper Plants 

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TL;DR: Ageing Copper Plants Under Pressure

Copper producers face a double whammy: declining ore grades and an ageing workforce. This article explores how to boost efficiency at these plants through: 

  • Digital Transformation: Leverage automation, advanced process control, and predictive maintenance to optimise operations. 
  • Infrastructure Upgrades: Modernise control systems, integrate sensors, and unify data platforms for better visibility and control. 
  • Workforce Strategies: Upskill existing staff, embrace remote expertise, and prioritise knowledge capture. 
  • Technology Adoption: Utilise digital twins for simulation, implement smart sensors for data-driven insights, and explore automation solutions. 

By embracing these strategies, copper plants can become more efficient, minimise costs, and extract maximum value even as ore grades decline. 

Declining Ore Grades: How to Boost Efficiency at Ageing Copper Plants

You’re running an ageing copper processing plant facing declining ore grades, ageing mines reaching maturity, out-of-date infrastructure and a skills shortage. Boosting efficiency is crucial, but where do you start?  

  • Automating processes and implementing digital technologies can drive major optimisation improvements.  
  • Focus on reducing operating costs, improving extraction rates and leveraging data.  
  • Get more from less through predictive maintenance, process simulation and optimisation software.  
  • Upskill and retain staff by making their roles more exciting and purposeful.  
  • Sweat your assets through operational excellence programs.  

There’s no magic bullet, but many opportunities exist to sustain margins at tired operations.

Copper Ore Production Winners and Losers

Copper, a vital metal for our modern world, faces a complex challenge: declining ore grades in many major producing countries. This situation is putting pressure on global copper production, even as demand is expected to rise.  

Let’s delve deeper into the specific trends seen in some of the top copper-producing countries in 2023: 

Increasing production recorded 

  • Peru: Production in Peru hit a record high in 2023 due to the full resumption of a major mine and increased output from another. The government is working to expand production further. 

Decreasing production recorded  

  • Chile: Despite being the world’s largest copper producer, Chile’s output fell in 2023 due to challenging mining conditions, lower ore grades, water shortages, and project delays. However, a rebound is expected by 2025. 
  • China: China’s copper output declined in 2023 as its domestic mines matured and faced environmental restrictions. 
  • United States: US copper production also dropped in 2023, primarily due to declining ore grades and heavy rainfall events. 
  • Russia: Russia’s copper mine production saw a slight decline in 2023. However, a new mine is expected to significantly increase output in the coming years. 
  • Indonesia: While Indonesia’s copper production initially boomed in 2022, it dipped in 2023 due to operational issues at a major mine. An increase is expected in 2024. 
  • Australia: Copper mine production in Australia remained relatively stable in 2023. 
  • Zambia: Zambia’s copper output has been declining for the past few years, with a further decrease in 2023. 
  • Mexico: Mexico’s copper production remained flat in 2023. 

The Challenges of Declining Ore Grades for Copper Processing

Lower Yields, Higher Costs

We’ve been reading this for a while now – ore grades have been declining for years at copper processing plants around the world. Those rich, high-grade deposits are becoming increasingly rare. Instead, you must process larger volumes of lower-quality ore to maintain production levels. 

This means higher mining and processing costs per tonne of copper produced. Every extra tonne of ore mined, crushed and processed eats into margins. It’s a vicious cycle that makes sustaining profitable operations an uphill battle. 

Complex Processing Demands 

As if that wasn’t enough, declining ore grades also create new processing hurdles. Lower-grade ores often contain higher concentrations of impurities and minerals that are difficult to separate. This increases the complexity of the extraction and concentration processes. 

To recover the copper efficiently, you may need to invest in additional grinding, flotation, or leaching capacity. Retrofitting plants or building new processing lines is hugely capital-intensive. Yet failing to adapt could mean leaving valuable copper untapped in the tailings. 

Rising Energy & Input Costs 

In addition, you’re battling rising energy, water, and reagent costs. As ore grades decline, more of these inputs are required per tonne of copper produced, making energy-intensive processes like grinding, flotation, and smelting a much bigger expense. 

With narrow margins, managing these escalating costs is critical. Even small efficiency gains in comminution, concentration or hydrometallurgy can translate to major savings. It’s a constant push to boost process efficiency and recovery rates. 

Experienced Workforce Shortage 

And let’s not forget the human element. An ageing workforce means experienced operators and maintenance staff are retiring in droves. Attracting and retaining the next generation of skilled plant workers is an industry-wide challenge. 

Without enough knowledgeable people running your operations, it’s nearly impossible to optimise processes and extract maximum value from declining ore grades. Investing in training is essential – but it takes time your plant may not have. 

The Digital Transformation Opportunity 

So what’s a copper producer to do? For many, the answer lies in digital transformation: 

  • Advanced process control and automation 
  • Digital twin simulations to optimise operations 
  • Predictive maintenance to improve equipment reliability 
  • Remote monitoring and analytics for expert insights 


By leveraging industrial AI, big data and IoT connectivity, you can drive down processing costs while boosting recovery rates. It’s about doing more with less in an increasingly challenging environment. 

 How Ageing Infrastructure Impacts Processing Plant Efficiency 

As your copper processing plant ages, the infrastructure slowly deteriorates – impacting efficiency and productivity. You’ve likely noticed some key signs like: 

Frequent Equipment Breakdowns 

Worn-out parts, corroded pipes, and outdated technology lead to more mechanical failures. Unplanned downtime skyrockets as you scramble to get replacement parts or call in technicians for repairs. 

Seemingly minor issues can quickly escalate into major disasters. A tiny crack in a pipeline could rapidly worsen – contaminating your product, causing leaks, or even triggering an explosion. 

Increased Energy Consumption 

Ageing equipment operates less efficiently, consuming more power to achieve the same output. Poorly insulated buildings and outdated HVAC systems further drive up energy costs. 

Every percentage point of wasted energy cuts into your profit margins. As utility rates rise, the financial impact of inefficient infrastructure grows exponentially. 

Higher Maintenance Costs 

With ageing assets constantly needing repairs, maintenance becomes a real headache. You end up allocating more labour hours, rushing to order spare parts, and hiring specialised contractors. 

Maintenance costs skyrocket, often unpredictably, due to the fragility of older equipment. Replacements and renovations require careful budgeting years in advance. 

Process Inefficiencies 

Outdated technology and ageing infrastructure make optimising processes for maximum efficiency difficult. Manual operations, lack of automation, and disconnected systems create productivity bottlenecks. 

Human error risks increase with older equipment that lacks modern safety features. Rigid legacy systems can’t easily adapt to changing ore grades or evolving best practices. 

The good news? Proactive steps can mitigate the impacts and optimise your ageing plant: 

  • Conduct comprehensive audits to identify risks and prioritise upgrades 
  • Implement condition monitoring to predict failures before they happen 
  • Invest in automation for consistent, efficient, 24/7 production 
  • Transition to modern digital platforms for flexibility and optimisation 
  • Partner with specialists like Mipac for turnkey solutions 


Strategic investments allow you to breathe new life into your ageing copper operations. Improving efficiency ultimately boosts profitability and sustainability. 

Dealing with Workforce Shortages and Loss of Specialist Skills 

Nurture Your Talent Pipeline 

As experienced operators and technicians retire, their hard-won knowledge walks out the door. Don’t let those critical skills disappear. Groom your next generation through mentorship programs, on-the-job training, and knowledge capture. Pair young engineers with seasoned pros to transfer tribal knowledge. Digitise operating procedures, equipment manuals, and maintenance best practices before veteran staff move on. 

Leverage the Technology Toolbox 

Automation and digital tools are your allies in the battle against workforce gaps. Advanced process controls can optimise operations with less human intervention. Digital twins provide a virtual test-bed for troubleshooting issues. AI-powered decision support streamlines complex analysis. With the right solutions, you can do more with less while upskilling the remaining staff. 

Bring in Specialised Support 

You can’t find or retain all the expertise you need in-house. Augment your workforce with specialised consultants and service providers. Their deep domain knowledge and cross-industry experience pay dividends. They troubleshoot stubborn issues, optimise workflows, and transfer skills. With the flexibility to scale support up or down, outside experts ease your staffing crunch. 

Foster a Culture of Learning 

In a rapidly evolving industry, continuous learning is survival. Promote professional development to attract and keep top talent engaged. Invest in training on new technologies, from advanced process controls to IIoT platforms. Encourage sharing new ideas through webinars, conferences, and knowledge exchanges. Nurture an environment of innovation and growth. 

Prioritise Knowledge Management 

Document everything from operating procedures to maintenance logs. Use digital tools to capture notes, photos, and tribal knowledge in a centralised system. Tag content with rich metadata for findability. Build a comprehensive knowledge base to preserve institutional wisdom for the long haul. Make it easy for new hires to tap into decades of insight. 

Boosting Extraction Rates Through Advanced Automation

Smart Sensors & Predictive Maintenance 

You already know that maintenance is key to keeping your ageing copper plant running smoothly. But have you considered how smart sensors and predictive maintenance could take things to the next level? 

With advanced automation, you can say goodbye to unplanned downtime and costly repairs. Smart sensors monitor every component 24/7, giving you real-time data on performance and upcoming maintenance needs. This allows you to plan maintenance perfectly, fixing issues before they cause expensive breakdowns. 

And it gets better. Predictive analytics can crunch that sensor data to forecast when parts will likely fail. You can then order replacements ahead of time and schedule maintenance for minimum production impact. Genius, right? 

Optimise Processes with Digital Twins 

You’re always looking for ways to boost that all-important extraction rate. Digital twins could be the answer, recreating your entire plant operation virtually to test out new processes risk-free. 

A digital twin simulates how process tweaks would play out in reality using real-time data from your operations. You can experiment endlessly to find the sweet spot for higher yields – all without disrupting your actual production line. 

And the insights keep coming. Digital twins highlight bottlenecks, waste and areas ripe for automation. They take the guesswork out of optimisation, helping you cut costs and improve efficiency with data-driven decisions. 

Upskill Staff Through Mixed Reality 

With an ageing workforce, finding new ways to capture know-how is crucial. Have you considered using mixed reality (MR) technology to upskill staff and transfer tribal knowledge? 

MR training blends the real and virtual worlds using headsets or tablets. Experienced operators can record procedures step-by-step, letting others learn through immersive 3D visuals and hands-on guidance. 

No more shadowing in the plant or dry training manuals. Learners get a realistic, repeatable experience from any location. And it works both ways – experts can virtually observe floor staff to provide instant remote support. 

All this helps new starters get up to speed faster while capturing invaluable insights before your veteran team retires. Talk about a knowledge force multiplier! 

So, if you’re serious about boosting extraction rates and future-proofing operations, it’s time to invest in advanced automation. Those production gains (and bottom-line boosts) are just waiting to be unlocked. 

Digital Optimisation Tools to Reduce Operating Costs

As copper ore grades decline, leveraging digital optimisation tools is becoming increasingly crucial. These advanced solutions can streamline operations, driving down costs while boosting extraction rates. Let’s explore some top tools that savvy plant managers are utilising. 

Predictive Maintenance 

Unplanned downtime is a profitability killer. Predictive maintenance uses sensor data and machine learning to forecast equipment failures before they occur. This allows for preemptive repairs during scheduled outages – minimising costly disruptions. 

Additionally, condition monitoring provides insights into machine health. Combined with asset management software, you can optimise maintenance schedules and spare parts inventory. Less unplanned downtime translates to higher throughput and lower costs. 

Process Optimisation 

Mineral processing plants are incredibly complex, with myriad variables impacting recovery rates. Digital twins create a virtual replica, enabling simulation and scenario testing. You can identify bottlenecks, test operational adjustments, and fine-tune processes – all without risk to the physical plant. 

Advanced process control takes this further, using multi-variable models and complex algorithms. By responding to real-time data, it automatically optimises parameters like reagent dosing for peak efficiency. 

Remote Monitoring & Analytics 

Maintaining expertise is challenging with experienced operators retiring. Remote monitoring centres provide 24/7 oversight from process experts. They analyse live data, identify issues early, and make proactive adjustments. 

Cloud-based historian databases consolidate all your operating data. This structured big data enables powerful analytics, from energy consumption to predictive quality modelling. Actionable insights help drive continuous improvement. 

Mineral processing is undergoing a digital transformation. Leveraging the latest optimisation tools will be critical for ageing copper plants to control costs and remain competitive as grades decline. 


graphic of 5 technologies to modernise and extend brownfield sites

Top 5 Technologies to Modernise and Extend Brownfield Sites

As declining ore grades squeeze margins at your ageing copper processing plant, it’s time to think smart. Automated systems and digital technologies are the key to boosting efficiency, reducing costs, and increasing extraction rates. Here are the top 5 tech solutions to modernise and extend the life of your brownfield site: 

  1. Advanced Process Control (APC)

Optimising complex processes with advanced algorithms is a game-changer. APC systems crunch massive data sets to make real-time adjustments, ensuring operations run at peak performance. By stabilising processes, variability is reduced, and constraints are actively managed for maximum throughput. No more flying blind—APC gives you X-ray vision into your plant. 

  1. Digital Twin & Simulation

A virtual replica of your physical assets opens a world of possibilities. Digital twins allow you to simulate scenarios, test “what-if” conditions, and troubleshoot issues risk-free. It’s like having a crystal ball to predict performance and uncover optimisation opportunities. Don’t just react to problems; get ahead of them with powerful digital twins. 

  1. Remote Operations & Monitoring

With a skilled workforce shortage looming, remote capabilities keep your plant running optimally. Leverage experts anywhere to monitor operations, analyse data, and provide guidance. No more flying specialists across the country for site visits. Empower your team with always-on support and expertise when you need it most. 

  1. Predictive Maintenance

Those ageing assets are ticking time bombs waiting to disrupt production. Predictive maintenance uses sensor data and machine learning to forecast failures before they happen. Prioritise repairs, reduce downtime and extend asset life. Why wait for breakdowns when you can prevent them? 

  1. Mobility & Visualisation

Put critical information at your team’s fingertips with mobile dashboards and visualisations. No more running back to the control room or sifting through reports. Interactive visuals deliver vital KPIs and alerts in real-time on any device. Respond faster with data-driven insights when seconds count. 

The future is here for copper processing plants willing to modernise. With Mipac’s deep experience and skilled teams, we guide you every step of the way in selecting and integrating the right technologies to transform operations. Declining grades don’t stand a chance against a digitally optimised plant. 

Critical Control System Upgrades to Maximise Plant Productivity

At your copper processing plant, you’re facing declining ore grades, ageing infrastructure, and a skilled workforce shortage. To drive optimisation improvements, reduce operating costs, and boost extraction rates, it’s time to prioritise critical control system upgrades. 

Modernise Obsolete Controls 

Those legacy control systems are holding you back. Creaking automation relics can’t keep pace with the latest process optimisation techniques. By modernising obsolete controls, you gain powerful new capabilities to maximise productivity and efficiency. 

  • Advanced process control algorithms 
  • Integrated asset monitoring and predictive maintenance 
  • Real-time optimisation and dynamic scheduling 

Don’t settle for sluggish, rigid systems. Upgrade for the agility and insights to run leaner operations. 

Leverage Smart Sensors & IoT 

Smarter plants start with smarter sensing. Bolting on the latest smart instrumentation and Industrial IoT unleashes a torrent of rich data. You can finally gain complete visibility into every nook of your processes. 

Ubiquitous sensing enables advanced analytics for: 

  • Predictive asset performance monitoring 
  • AI-powered process optimisation 
  • Digital twins and simulation modelling 

With the right data at your fingertips, you can respond faster and make better decisions to maximise uptime and throughput. 

Unify Systems on a Connected Platform 

Disjointed systems and information silos are productivity killers. Rip out those isolated islands by unifying operations on a secure, connected platform. A centralised data and control backbone integrates your automation, information and analytics layers. 

You gain a unified view of operations with: 

  • Consistent KPIs and data models across systems 
  • Automated workflows spanning plant and business systems 
  • Enterprise visualisation and mobile access to insights 

By eliminating disjointed systems, you empower faster, more informed decision-making and collaboration. 

With our team of control system experts, Mipac can guide you through these critical upgrades. We have the cross-disciplinary skills and deep industry experience to drive real productivity gains – boosting your bottom line. 

Case Studies: Successful Efficiency Projects at Copper Plants

Kamoto Copper Company Process Plant Optimisation (DRC) 

man walking through kamoto copper company

Focus: Mill Optimisation and CCD Circuit Automation 

Goal: Improve throughput and stability of the copper processing plant. 

Mipac’s contribution: Developed and implemented new control system logic for grinding mills and the Copper Concentrate Dewatering (CCD) circuit. This resulted in: 

  • Reduced downtime 
  • Stabilised plant operation 
  • Increased throughput for individual units within the CCD train 

First Quantum Minerals Kansanshi Copper Concentrator Tailings Circuit Performance (Zambia) 

Focus: Tailings Management Optimisation 

Goal: Improve efficiency and environmental performance of tailings disposal. 

Mipac’s contribution: Upgraded the control system to implement: 

  • Flow-based control using neutralisation tank levels for pump operation. 
  • Multiple Output Control System (MOCS) to manage multiple tailings pumps. 
  • Pressure override controllers to prevent exceeding safe pressure limits. 


  • Reduced wear on all tailings pumps, leading to longer lifespans. 
  • Minimised cavitation damage from low tank levels. 
  • Reduced human error through automation. 
  • Overall increase in pump operating life. 
First Quantum Minerals Kansanshi plant

Mipac optimising copper concentrator control rooms at Glencore Mount Isa Mines (Australia) 

Glencore Mount Isa Mines

Focus: Control Room Modernisation 

Goal: Enhance operator efficiency and improve plant monitoring. 

Mipac’s contribution: Merged two control rooms, creating a singular space for monitoring both processing areas. This involved: 

  • Reviewing and redesigning the control system (DCS). 
  • Upgrading the network infrastructure. 
  • Implementing ergonomic principles for operator comfort. 
  • Installing new CCTV equipment. 


  • Reduced operator costs due to single-room monitoring. 
  • Improved operator efficiency through a redesigned control system. 
  • Enhanced plant monitoring capabilities. 

FAQ: How Can Processing Plants Adapt to Declining Ore Grades?

Declining ore grades are a reality most processing plants will face. As the easy-to-access deposits dwindle, you'll need to get smarter about optimising your operations. Embracing digital technologies like advanced process control, machine learning and predictive analytics is key. These solutions can help you squeeze more from lower-grade ores while reducing operating costs. 

Labour challenges? Aging assets? Automating processes with robust control systems is a no-brainer when ore grades decline. Precision dosing, advanced regulatory control loops, and automated workflows can drive consistent performance. And the latest robotics and remote operation centres let you do more with fewer people onsite. 

Every percentage point gain in recovery rates is money in the bank when ore grades are dropping. Advanced sensor technologies and digital twin simulations allow you to fine-tune recovery circuits. Model-based control strategies can dynamically adjust reagent additions. And machine vision systems ensure you don't lose valuable concentrate. 

You know your operation inside-out. But declining ore grades bring new challenges that require fresh thinking. Partnering with multidisciplinary mineral processing experts like Mipac can accelerate your optimisation journey. Our highly skilled teams combine process know-how, automation expertise and digital capabilities. We're advisors you can trust to find the right solutions. 

The key? Taking a holistic view of your value chain. With the right technology roadmap and expert support, you can stay profitable as ore grades inevitably decline over time. 


With ageing infrastructure, declining ore grades and skills shortages, the key to running a profitable copper plant today is all about efficiency. Focus on digitising and automating processes wherever you can. Get clever with predictive maintenance programs to limit downtime. And invest in upskilling your workforce for the digital age. Do all that and you’ll keep the red metal flowing for years to come. 

Don't go it alone. Optimise your copper production for the future.

For 27 years, Mipac’s interdisciplinary teams have been at the forefront of modernising and optimising copper production plants. We understand your unique challenges, from declining ore grades to ageing infrastructure and workforce shortages. 

Our team of process engineers, automation specialists, and data scientists brings a holistic perspective to solving your problems. We can help you implement the latest technologies, improve efficiency, and maximise profitability. 

Ready to unlock the full potential of your copper plant?

Contact us today to arrange a discovery call with one of our copper processing specialists. We’ll work with you to develop a customised roadmap for success. 


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