Mipac to undertake significant upgrade of plant-wide distributed control system at Nickel West smelter

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Mipac has been selected to upgrade the Yokogawa CS3000 system at the Nickel West smelter in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.

The project will see obsolete MicroXL units replaced and existing CS3000 systems upgraded to Centum VP. Any identified safety instrumented functions (SIFs) will also be removed from existing software code and implemented in a safety instrumented system (SIS).

The initial definition phase of the upgrade has begun and will be completed by end 2014. Mipac is scheduled to complete the execution phase of the upgrade commissioning by end 2015.

During the definition phase, Mipac will provide engineering services including:

  • project management
  • HAZOPs assessments
  • DCS coding and design
  • developing functional descriptions and migration plans
  • designing hardware and software
  • designing the network and architecture, and
  • developing factory acceptance testing procedures

Nickel West is a fully integrated mine-to-market business including mines, concentrators, a smelter and refinery. The Kalgoorlie concentrator and smelter produce nickel concentrate and nickel matte. Upgrading the smelter’s DCS will help mitigate loss of control and visibility of critical pieces of equipment currently controlled by obsolescent DCS equipment.

“Our process control engineers have worked on numerous smelter upgrades with various control systems, including many Yokogawa DCS systems, and we have established an enviable reputation for delivering projects on budget while meeting challenging deadlines,” Mipac Managing Director Eddie DeRivera says.

“The Nickel West upgrade is a significant project that will allow us to further demonstrate Mipac’s broad capabilities.”


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