Unveiling the OEMC

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A community dedicated to Operational Excellence in Mining, Minerals & Metals (MMM). 

Imagine a global space where miners, processors, and industry partners across the MMM spectrum come together, not as competitors but as collaborators.

A forum where challenges unique to the industry are tackled head-on through the lens of operational excellence. This is the vision behind the Operational Excellence in Mining, Minerals & Metals Community (OEMC), and we’re thrilled to unveil it to you officially. 

Striving for operational excellence

Why now? 

Despite their diverse landscapes, commodities, and extraction methods, MMM companies face strikingly similar challenges. While internal solutions exist, the need for a unified knowledge and experience exchange platform presents a critical gap.  

The OEMC was born from a simple yet powerful belief: collaboration breeds better outcomes.

Introducing the OEMC

The OEMC Mission: 

  • Connect and empower: Create a vibrant community where members can network, build relationships, and collectively address industry challenges through operational excellence principles.

  • Knowledge is power: Facilitate knowledge exchange, expertise sharing, and experience-driven best practices tailored to the specific needs of the MMM sector.

  • Future-proof the industry: Develop operator-driven guidance, resources, and leading practices that address prioritised challenges and ensure continuous improvement.

The OEMC Focus: 

While initially focusing on Australasian challenges and practices (with global participation encouraged), the OEMC will encompass the entire MMM value chain, tackling issues relevant to base metals, gold, coal, and iron ore commodities. Our scope will expand as we mature to embrace global challenges and all commodities.

Mipac: Proud partners in Operational Excellence for the MMM industry

Tenets for the OEMC
Areas of discussion within the OEMC

As a founding member of the OEMC, Mipac is deeply committed to fostering operational excellence within the mining, minerals, and metals industry. Our 27-year heritage serving the value chain has instilled in us an intimate understanding of your unique challenges and opportunities. This expertise and our passion for innovation and collaboration make us ideal partners for your journey towards operational excellence. 

Here’s how Mipac contributes to the OEMC mission: 

  • Decades of experience: With over 730 projects completed across the globe, we bring a wealth of practical knowledge and proven solutions to the table. From advanced process control and industrial automation to data analytics and cybersecurity, we equip you with the tools to optimise your operations. 

  • Committed collaboration: We believe that true progress comes from sharing knowledge and working together. We actively participate in the OEMC, contributing our expertise and insights to discussions and projects. We also facilitate connections between community members, fostering collaboration and innovation. 

  • Passionate experts: Our team comprises dedicated engineers, project managers, and technology innovators who share a deep passion for the MMM industry. Many have worked on operational sites themselves and are driven by a desire to improve and help you achieve your operational excellence goals. 

  • Future-focused vision: We actively engage with industry trends and emerging technologies, such as Industry 4.0 and digital transformation, looking for practical and trusted ways to implement new ideas. We’ll share these insights with the OEMC community, helping you prepare for the future of the MMM industry. 


Mipac is more than just a service provider; we are your partners in progress. By joining the OEMC and collaborating with Mipac, you gain access to a robust network of expertise and resources, supporting you on your journey toward operational excellence and unlock the full potential of your MMM operations. 

First Principles Consulting

FPC is the other founding partner of the OEMC, bringing years of experience and a relentless pursuit of continual improvement to the table. 

  • Process Reengineering: FPC’s team members have clocked up decades of system and process redesign while facilitating frontline changes daily.

  • Closing skills gaps: Training, coaching and mentoring personnel from all levels in the organisational hierarchy is right in FPC’s wheelhouse. A more skilled workforce is more confident and ready to tackle any challenge.

  • Tangible, sustainable bottom-line results: Clients recoup their investments in short order.

  • Beyond Results: While FPC love seeing the numbers improve, their true passion lies in helping people. They find immense satisfaction in empowering individuals to overcome obstacles and achieve their career goals.

Together, let's shape a brighter future for the industry!

The OEMC is more than just a community; it’s a movement towards a more productive, sustainable, and safe MMM industry.

We invite you, whether you’re a seasoned industry veteran or a passionate newcomer, to be part of this exciting journey.

Join the Operational Excellence in Mining, Minerals and Metals Community on LinkedIn

Together, we can unlock the immense potential of operational excellence and propel the MMM sector to new heights. 

Stay tuned for further updates on registration, upcoming events, and exciting collaborations. Let’s  build a better future for the MMM industry, one collaboration at a time! 

#OEMC #OperationalExcellence #Mining #Minerals #Metals #Collaboration #Community #FutureReady


What is this Operational Excellence Group about?

The OEMC is a LinkedIn group dedicated to sharing knowledge, experiences, and best practices in improving operational efficiency across the mining value chain.

What kind of content is encouraged in the group?

We welcome discussions, articles, white papers, educational videos, and other resources that contribute to valuable knowledge exchange and help members improve their operational excellence practices. We want to hear to from you. So when we post articles and polls we hope you'll jump in and share your perspective - that's the real benefit of collective intelligence.

How do I join the OEMC Group?

Head over to LinkedIn and search for the group. To become a member you'll need to have at least 50 connections and a complete LinkedIn profile with your work history and education. This helps us keep scammers and overly keen marketers from using the group as a sales platform

Can I promote my services or products in the group?

Generally, promotions are not allowed. However, you can discuss books, articles or whitepapers published by you or your organisation related to Operational Excellence in MMM after contacting the group management to discuss terms. If you are running a webinar on this topic we could also look to promote and disucss this - after approval from the group owners.

I have a question about operational excellence in mining, where can I ask it?

The OEMC Group is a great place to ask questions and learn from other members' experiences. You can also find valuable resources through the group discussions and shared content.

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