SMART Tankhouse™

A customised web-based platform that provides production planning and an operational suite of tools for complete oversight and visibility of your Tankhouse.

Designed specifically for your Tankhouse, operating in both real-time and forecasting the future, SMART Tankhouse™ will not only save you time, but also improve safety, increase current efficiency, reduce rejects, optimise production, and create visibility across the Tankhouse.

Planning & Forecasting

SMART Tankhouse™ allows you to predict the future and select
the scenario ideal for your operation by:

Reporting & Analytics

SMART Tankhouse™ optimises the reporting process and gives you time back in your day via:


SMART Tankhouse™allows you to operate your Tankhouse at optimal performance by providing:

SMART Tankhouse™ connects multiple systems and allows for a common interface of your plant. The plant dashboard represents a live view of your plant together with calculated metrics based on your needs.

SMART Tankhouse™ integrates closely with the OSIsoft PI System suite, the leading data historian in the world. Key features of the PI system are high speed archiving and retrieval of data, efficient use of storage and provision of a range
of user tools.

Built as a modular system, the SMART Tankhouse™ provides you with the flexibility to customise and grow the platform at your pace. It also allows plant engineers the ability to further customise or leverage current infrastructure by integrating with multiple systems and platforms.

Module 1 - Production scheduling

The Production Scheduling module creates the production plan for the cathode harvesting cycle of the Tankhouse.  It can be scheduled as far into the future as desired.  Typically, the production plan will provide information by day as to which sections are being stripped, stripped and scrapped, and re-loaded. Once published, the plan presents a web scheduler which is accessible to operators and supervisors simultaneously and is accessible on any device with sufficient network access and the capability to run a Google Chrome browser (printable daily or monthly versions are also available).

The scheduler has the following customisable options:

The Production Scheduling module has the capacity to link to existing databases (customisation as required) to make use of existing information.

Furthermore, the Production Scheduler can be used for budgeting, forecasting, or ‘what if’ analysis by creating alternate production plans.  These do not interfere with the current published plan and can be run separately while incorporating available historical data.

Module 2 - Inventory management

Anode and cathode count and location of counts can be tracked inside the plant with the Inventory Management module.

Inventories can be tracked upon receipt of anodes to shipment of cathode.  Where available, data is tracked automatically, but manual entry screens are also available.  Laboratory data (where available) can also be associated with anode/cathode data.

Inventory levels and associated production, consumption, and transfers can be tracked for:

Standard reporting is available which users can access via the web-portal.

Module 3 - Cathode plate tracking

The cathode plate tracking module tracks performance and movements of cathodes through the Tankhouse. This allows users to identify underperforming plates or plates that continuously require maintenance to improve the overall Tankhouse operation.

Cathode plate data information is stored historically as part of a custom database within the SMART Tankhouse™ and holds a maximum of 2 years of cathode plate production information.  The module utilises barcodes, QR codes or RFID technology to identify and track cathode plates.  Readers are placed on the Cathode Stripping Machine and can also be placed in certain locations within the Tankhouse.

The Cathode Plate Tracking module includes:

Module 4 - Crane scheduling

The Crane Scheduling module enables crane automation. It receives tasks from the SMART Tankhouse™ and creates movement orders for the crane with a specified priority and schedule.

It also includes basic visualisation of the crane scheduling and work order priority definition. In the event SMART Tankhouse™ is not available, it can be used as a backup crane management system.

Module 5 - Short detection

The Short Detection module utilises CellView® to enable cell voltage and temperature monitoring in real-time, detecting short circuits and allowing early intervention for maximum current efficiency. 

In combination with CellView®, ShortMeter™ is a hand-held, easy-to-use monitor (Gauss meter) to target the exact location of the short circuit and dead plates.

Cell voltage data is analysed to determine the state of the cell (normal or shorted). The SMART Tankhouse™ platform retrieves this cell state information for reporting purposes and allows users to input data after they have corrected a short.

Module 6 - Elecrotolyte correction

The Electrolyte Correction module utilises Metal Concentration Monitor® to provide continuous, online monitoring of metal concentration in electrolytic solutions. Mipac’s Metal Concentrator Monitor® reduces the need for manual chemical analysis during electrorefining. When integrated with SMART Tankhouse™, the monitor helps improve safety, reduce operational costs, increase productivity and ultimately improve the quality of production.

Copper Monitor. LARGE no colour
screenshot of TCard

Module 7 - Task Management

The Task Management module utilises Mipac’s operations management solution created specifically for 24/7 industrial plant operations.

TCard has been designed to help plan, schedule and manage tasks easily and efficiently, facilitating two‑way communication and providing clear visibility of the status of tasks. Our innovative solution provides enhanced communication and engagement, greater transparency and increased operational awareness.

Read more about Mipac's products

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